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Community presbyterian local & regional mission efforts
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Habitat Repair Ministry

The Habitat Repair Ministry is a diverse group of volunteers who gather periodically to work on light construction projects that enhance the living conditions of those in need who cannot afford to take the steps necessary to make their homes safe and efficient. Projects that have been done in the past are Handicap ramps, small appliance installation, painting, siding replacement, and floor repair. If you enjoy working with others and lending a hand to home repair projects, we’d love your assistance.

Time Commitment: Variable

Contact: Meg Vail at 295-6848 or​

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Brookside Apartment Community- Weekly Tutoring and VBS

The Brookside Tutoring Group has had the privilege of tutoring 5-10 young adults from the Brookside Apartment Complex after school on a weekly basis during the 2023-2024 school year. This is a wonderful group of young adults who are excited and appreciative to receive support from CPC members as they work towards their academic goals. Key support areas include math, science, and language arts homework! Tutors will receive training and support before they are partnered with youth. Other volunteer opportunities include providing transportation providing healthy snacks, and support with school projects. 


In the Summer of each year, we minister to the children of Brookside through games, bible study, arts & crafts and quality time spend building connection and sharing the Word of God. 


Time Commitment: Tutoring- Weekly; VBS- Summer, Other seasonal and occasional visits occur as well.

Contact: Tutoring: Marsae Stone ( or Pam Jankowski (mpjankoe@sbcglobalnet)

VBS: Meg Vail at 295-6848 or​

Coalition for Human Care

The Coalition is an organization in Moore County where volunteers work together to help individuals in crisis assistance. Several of our members volunteer weekly with this worthwhile organization. Consistently their greatest need is for volunteers to help with “Screening” which works with clients to determine financial support. A portion of proceeds from CPC's annual CROP walk supports the Coalition.

Time Commitment: Variable

Contact: Meg Vail at 295-6848 or​

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CALL (Community Assistance Language Learners)

Do you love kids and want to teach them to read? You don't have to be bilingual! CALL helps to ensure that children from 3 years old to mid-highs with limited proficiency in English in our community succeed in school through weekly tutoring throughout the school year. In addition to working with children, the CALL program offers assistance to mothers during the same time wishing to learn English as a second language. If you love teaching and learning, please consider sharing your skills as a tutor.

Time Commitment: This group meets every Tuesday after school, September through May, in the Everette House from 3-4:30pm. 

Contact: Betty Pope at 295-6848 or    Website:

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Angel Tree

A beloved Advent tradition at Community Presbyterian Church is our Angel Tree ministry, organized by the CPC Mission Committee. At CPC, we are privileged to share the love of Christ and the joy of the season with three mission communities: Northern Moore Family Resource Center, the CALL program, and the Brookside residential community off of Morganton Road. In our congregational outreach to children in these ministries, we provide clothing, books, and toys to 150+ underserved children at Christmas time.

Time Commitment: Members of the church choose an angel, and either purchase items for the child listed on that angel or provide a monetary donation to be used for gift cards. If you are buying listed items, please include all the items requested on the angel.

Contact: Contact Gayle Magee or Gail Kane, Angel Tree Mission Chairs, at 414- 899-4044 or 910-603-1520.

To Volunteer at Santa’s Workshop at Northern Moore Family Resource Center on December 10th or December 11th: Contact Meg (mvail@ To Volunteer with Brookside Family Shopping on December 4th or December 5th: Contact Bob Boone (

Great Saturday of Service

Join us in an annual, intergenerational spring event where we come to church on Saturday morning dressed in our work clothes and go out to serve the community. Our congregation volunteers during this all day event at approximately 20 different project sites in the community and here at the church. Sign up sheets are in the Welcome Center and will also be listed online beginning in March each year.

Time Commitment: This is a one day only event on April 26th, 2025

Contact: Andy Potter, 910-528-1549

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CROP Hunger Walk

No one in this world should be hungry. That's why the CROP Hunger Walk is more than just a yearly gathering. It's a movement that's 55 years strong, made up of compassionate people in more than 500 communities across the U.S.

The steps we take - and the funds we raise together - will provide life-saving support including emergency food and resources, along with the seeds, tools and programs that will help families feed themselves in the future. CPC walks each year to fund local and regional missions.

Time Commitment: Annual event

Contact: Meg Vail at 295-6848 or​

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CPC rents a home on church property that provides a safe, nurturing, social learning environment for homeless and at-risk female youth in Moore County, ages 18-24. The goal of this program is to help prevent a lifetime of dependence on the state with a cost-effective, short-term investment in independent living which challenges participants to grow emotionally, spiritually, socially and financially in ways they often have not considered. The overarching service strategy is to provide educational support and therapeutic services in a home setting while providing an environment that fosters social skills and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) in order to be successful. â€‹More Information 


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Family Promise

The Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN program (now known as Family Promise®) began in Union County, New Jersey in 1988 in response to the growing number of families experiencing homelessness that were seeking shelter and support services. Based on this model, a number of communities have successfully implemented IHN programs for families experiencing homelessness. Currently, there are nearly 200 Networks throughout the United States and others under development. Including Moore County, there are eight Networks in North Carolina. â€‹More Information 


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Moore Free & Charitable Care Clinic

Moore Free & Charitable Clinic is a private, non-profit clinic that provides primary care services at low or no cost to eligible adult residents of Moore County. Even in Moore County, there are many who are unable to obtain affordable medical care because they lack health insurance coverage. By providing quality primary care to the uninsured, they reduce the burden of preventable health problems in this community. They are a local, community-initiated response that has improved the quality of life of many people in Moore County.  More Information 


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Presbytery of Coastal Carolina

Empowered by our large size and rich diversity we help one another to share Christ’s ministry and mission in a changing world. The mission of the Mission Cabinet is to nurture the vision of the Presbytery, to foster deeper relatedness, to coordinate the work of the three Missional Communities, and to oversee the implementation of all aspects of the mission and ministry of the Presbytery of Coastal Carolina.  More Information 


Office Hours: M-Th 10:00am-4:00pm

                             Fri      closed


       Community Presbyterian Church

       Location:                                mailing address:

        125 Everette Road                           p.o. box 1449

        Pinehurst, NC  28374                       pinehurst, nc 28370

        phone: 910-295-6848                         fax: 910-295-7339


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